Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Mirabile Visu II

11) Jibjab's warm-up to the campaign, in the great American-Musical tradition:

12) The McCain campaign reenacts "Legally Blonde" by equating a former president of Harvard Law Review with Paris Hilton. Fabulous stuff:

13) Enter: Sarah Palin. "Moron!":

14) A fair selection of Palinisms. In mainstream moviemaking, editing usually adds to the comedy. Here, however, it might actually detract from Palin's full comic effect, manifest when uninterrupted in her incoherent rambling. I haven't felt so compelled to laugh and cry at the same time since I watched Ricky Gervais in The Office. :

15) Baracky! (Hat Tip to His Awesomeness MB for this one)

and the much-awaited sequel:

16) Hillary vs. Sarah courtesy of SNL:

17) The McCain-Palin mob in all its glory:

18) Obama emerged victorious from all three debates according to the polls, but the real protagonist was -in the great American populist tradition- Joe the Plumber. Btw, his name isn't Joe, he isn't a licensed plumber and he hasn't paid all his taxes but never mind:

19) A really decent Republican stating the obvious. Hopefully, the GOP will make use of his likes to be reborn after Nov 5.

20) Obama delivers a really funny speech at the Al Smith dinner in New York. Check out McCain's which was also very funny. After all the campaign claptrap, I couldn't believe my eyes and ears!

Part II here

21) D'OH!

22) Sarah Silverman invites people on the Great Schlep to Florida with a lot of chutzpah and makes poor Punditocrat's crush on her even more desperate: